Sunday, October 12, 2008

Survivor - Gabon - Unit Study - Episode 4

Vocabulary – Rank, Confidence, Contributor

Oral conversation - The contestants participate in a ranking challenge. Using picture cut outs from the Survivor website, create your own rankings of the two tribes. How is your ranking the same and / or different from the ranking of the tribes on the show? Explain your choices to someone.

Bible - Matthew 19:30 says, “But many that are first shall be last; and the last shall be first.” How might this scripture be applied to this challenge in the game? What do you think it means in life?

Critical Thinking - If you were to put together the ultimate tribe, given the players in the game, who would you have chosen?

Critical Thinking - Think about how it feels to be picked first and last. Design a way of picking people that does not inflate or deflate people’s egos.

Morals & Ethics - Winning, Trying, Dominating, Giving Up. Rank these words in importance. Explain your choice to someone.

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