Tuesday, October 7, 2008

How to Play X-treme Cards

I know that I have mentioned that one of the great things about homeschooling is our ability to be very involved in other programs like Scouts. I thought you would enjoy this picture of DS during his summer canoeing trip down the Delaware Gap. During this trip, he got to canoe with a bald eagle, earned the Indian Lore and Canoeing Merit Badges, and apparently learned some good card games.

Anyone interested in exploring a program like this should check out The Pack Shack. You don't have to be in Scouts to enjoy what these hard working people have to offer.


Andysbethy said...

That is awesome. I can't wait until my boys are old enough for scouts. Their daddy is an Eagle Scout, and I really hope they decide to follow in this footsteps. He liked that picture, by the way. Swimming and cards at the same time... interesting concept!

Dawn said...

DS wants to be an Eagle Scout. DH did not make the rank and regrets it now. I hope DS will stay focused and achieve it.