Sunday, October 5, 2008

Survivor - Gabon - Unit Study - Episode 3


Photography / Storytelling – The producers of Survivor constantly uses symbolism in their film edits i.e. a snake or a spider eating a fly. Choose one and explain the meaning.

Arts & Crafts – In Survivor tradition, eventually there will be an individual immunity idol. Using the information that you have amassed about Gabon, create a potential immunity idol.

Math – The immunity challenge involved a math problem. See if you can solve it yourself. “The sum of both end values equals the sum of the middle two, the last is equal to the second minus the third and is one less than its neighbor.” The numbers are 1,2,4,5,6,7. Watch the clip, to find the answer.

1 comment:

oº˚ Homeschool Mom˚ºo said...

Love your blog -- I am also a homeschool mom! Hope you come by and visit.

Much Love