Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Accepting Tax Rebates for Homeschoolers

I ordered some more curriculum last night. I was surprised that the LifePac’s were less expensive on Christian Book Distributors than directly from Alpha Omega. DD really wants to try their Bible curriculum, but I am still wary. I am not sure what their philosophy is. Does anyone else use it? What do you think of it? I figure that I will wait until after she finishes confirmation at our church before I order it.

Although I think that the LifePac’s are very well priced, I need to be very careful what we spend right now. There is definitely a part of me that wishes that we could keep the portion of our property tax that is used on education to use toward our children’s education, but I have read several articles and have come to the belief that accepting any government assistance would lead to regulation. While this money is my money, in order to deduct it from my taxes, I would at minimum have to check some sort of box which exempts me. Then I am sure that some politician would say, “How do we know that they are really homeschooling?” or “How do we know that they are really spending all that money on their children’s education?” Then they would further expand their oversight or require receipts. I reconcile myself to paying this portion of my taxes just like the elderly, single, and childless must; it is our social responsibility to assure the education of all.

DD has also decided that she would like to change from Latin to Spanish. I have relented and said that when she finishes the current book that she is doing, she can change. So, does anyone have any recommendations for a good Spanish Curriculum?

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