Thursday, October 30, 2008

Planning Around Life's Events

One of the great things about homeschooling is the schedule. This week it has been a blessing to us. With so many balls in the air, I needed time to resolve a multitude of issues. Fortunately, I could adjust accordingly. I’ve heard families that have made adjustments for traveling, illnesses, moving, etc. Often school can become an additional stressor for everyone; Homeschooling allows more flexibility.

Don’t get it the school rut and miss this blessing. It is wonderful if you regularly plan your lessons for the “regular” school day, but it is ok if you go outside those parameters. I have worked in the evening, put lessons off, or come up with alternative lessons to better fit with what we are doing. Many people ask us why we school throughout the summer, but this is exactly why. If we work year round, we can be more flexible in our daily schedule.

What tricks have you used when life has gone crazy, but you are still trying to get things done?

1 comment:

Andysbethy said...

My only comment on this is "It is amazing what can be accomplished while in the car." We were on the go constantly when I was younger, and homeschooling in the car was a lifesaver, and education saver, for our family. It is the best choice, or favorite choice, but in a pinch you'd be surprised what what can be done in the car. I am already finding it useful for my family now. Kindergarten is pretty flexible, so I don't have too stress much yet, but Canaan can do some reading and math in the car if needed. Second generation car-schooler!