Thursday, October 30, 2008

Survivor - Gabon - Season 17 - Episode 6

Vocabulary: Liability, oath, challenge, burden
Today’s episode is rated “PG-L”. What are the different ratings? What do they mean? Do you think ratings are a good or bad idea? Why?

Science – Fire and heat is very important to the players. Fire produces radiant heat. Find out about radiant heat. What are the benefits and deficits? List three other examples of radiant heat.

Volunteerism - Our bodies must have food to survive. Both tribes are very concerned about rationing , but this is not an issue reserved just for Survivor. Find out about world hunger issues. Find a way that you can help and do it.

You can see that people are starting to mentally break down. Do you think Survivor is a more physical or more emotional challenge? Why?

Have you heard the saying, “There is no ‘I’ in teamwork.” What do you think this means? How does this relate to FANG?

Kenny may have made the move of the game in the episode. How did Kenny use psychology to get the idol back into Sugar’s hands? Why would Sugar give her power away to another person, let alone such a powerful man? Do you think this is wise?

Did FANG miss a huge opportunity tonight?

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