Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Which of the Following States is in One Time Zone?

Remember me talking about Nautilus learning and how you add layers - Ironically, we had a microcosm of this idea this weekend.

On the train ride back, one of the girls started playing "Who wants to be a Millionaire?" (teaching with technology - Imagine if we sent quizzes / refreshes that way). Anyway one of the questions was "Which of the following states is in one time zone?


The problem with this game on the girl's phone is that when you get the answer wrong. It doesn't give you the correct answer - so we were left wanting - TWICE!

Flash forward to today, DS was doing his MATH. What is the math about? Traveling across the country. What is the picture at the top of the page? A time zone map of the US. What is the correct answer to the question? Oklahoma.

To brush up on other useless trivia:

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