Monday, November 3, 2008

Election Day Plan

Our house is revving up for Election Day. Of course, step one is to get out and vote ourselves. I have always brought the kids to the Polling Place. Many years they have seen me work the polling place and two years they have assisted me in running for office myself. These activities, I think, have made them more aware of the whole election process. When I grew up, my mother would never tell us who she would vote for. She said it was her business and no one else’s. In my house, I can’t imagine that. We talk about politics all the time.

During the primaries, we had a list of the states posted on the fridge. As each state declared its delegates we would post the results. It was CNN and our dining room table coverage. DD was often better informed than even my husband and I were. Our friends were amazed.

I think for tomorrow, we are going to print off a blackline master map and a state by state chart to record the Electoral College votes. This site gives you the number of electoral votes for each state and the number of votes needed to win. I figure tomorrow, we’ll be glued into the tv first thing in the morning and then after 6pm. I just hope that we have an answer by the time we go to bed and not have to wait until Christmas again.

How do you plan to experience the election with your kids?

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