Saturday, August 2, 2008

Who is the Teacher?

I find it funny that my husband always claims that I am the homeschool teacher. He says that he is not smart enough to teach them. I see it a little differently. I may be the one that does their book work with them, but he is the one that teaches them the skills they will use in life. He is the one always working around the house with the kids – fixing outlets, putting up closet doors, repairing air conditioners. He is the one that taught them to use maps when we go hiking, to plant squash with the corn, to cook on the grill. I think we both bring our skills to the table and each teach the kids in different ways. Hopefully, they will benefit from having learned from each of us. Maybe now they can name the capital Kansas and how to get their on a map : )

How do you and your husband break up the teaching responsibilities? If he is a hesitant husband to “teach”, how have you encouraged him?

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