Sunday, August 10, 2008

Thankful for Homeschooling Freedom

As today is our Sabbath, I am reminded to be thankful. It is easy to forget those that fought for our freedoms. No, I am not talking about George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and others (although they certainly deserve our respect). I am talking about the families that fought for their right to homeschool. I am talking about the families that used to have to draw their curtains and not go out during the day. Those that were brave enough to come forward and let others know that homeschooling could work for their family. To these people, I am grateful. For those of you that are still battling to keep this right available to us: both the families themselves and the attorneys that take their cases. To these people, I say thank you. These pioneers no matter what they year, blazed a trail for a better life for my family.

I have already shared with my children the importance of their right to educate their children in the way that they see fit. They thought it was a guaranteed Constitutional right but realized that it may be secured only as it relates to the first amendment, not as a specific right to homeschool. At first my daughter thought that she would lobby for a Constitutional amendment, but we then discussed the problems associated with defining homeschooling. In defining homeschooling, we may in fact define ourselves into rules and regulations that may not be in our best interest.

So thank you to all of you that have come in the past and all of you that will come in the future. My family is better because of your sacrifices.

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