Tuesday, July 15, 2008


There is one great thing about being trying many things - you have the supplies to do almost anything. The other day, my husband was carving a watermelong whale (he claims not to be artistic, but you should see his pumpkins at Halloween). He needed carving instruments. Because we are in the process of moving and have many boxes of "unneeded" things set aside, the Halloween carving kits were already packed, BUT leave it to the Homeschooling, Girl Scout leader. I had a linoleum printing kit still unpacked (why that wasn't packed but the pumpkin carving kit was I don't know). I pulled it out for my husband and he finished his project. Like many homeschool projects though, my son was inspired - tools, carving, art. HMMMMM! I cut him some linoleum and off he went carving away. The next day, I pulled out my bryer, paper, and ink. He could not understand why he should print more than once. Then, we spent the next day making cards. I was so impressed with his artistic talent- His eye at putting things together. These cards weren't like the kindergarden bunched tissue paper that every mother posts on her refridgerator claiming that she has a Picasso on her hands. These were usable pieces of art. I think he was even suprised. Now we have to find more Speedball art supplies to try some more printing.

1 comment:

Cindy Loven said...

these are very cool cards...you asked what I do with my cards..I give them away, sometimes sending large packages at a time to different people..friends, family, kids at our church (my dh is a pastor) and then I stick them in a drawer...LOL
