Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Do You Homeschool Through the Summer?

The most common question that I get at this time of the year is “Do you homeschool throughout the summer?” The answer is that we homeschool throughout the year. First, I’m a little hazy on exactly the difference between homeschooling and living. Secondly, as I do know what they mean (Do you do “school” work?), by spreading the work out through the year, I don’t have to worry about how much we get done every day. I look at it as a simple division problem. Even if I give schools the benefit of the doubt and calculate using a 6 hour day of learning (please note that some people calculate it as low as 2 hours per day),

6 x180 =1080 hours per school year;

1080 / 365 days per year =2.96 hour per day.

Yes, before you ask, we school through the weekends too. Don’t think that I am a slave driver, because I am nowhere near that. Actually, it is exactly the opposite, by doing a little every day, we can be more relaxed and worry less about if we’ve done enough.

Little Extra:
Today I overheard a prep teacher working with a student at the library. They were discussing Latin and English vocabulary. The teacher was recommending that the boy start keeping flash card on new vocabulary words. Now I understand this when learning a foreign language, but English. How about just integrate the new words into your everyday conversations? Truthfully if you have to refer to a flash card to remember a word in your native language then perhaps it is not a very useful word.

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