Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Sometimes when you are looking for lessons they fall into your lap.

Yesterday, we had a big physics lesson: liquids contained by solids have a smaller surface area than those not confined by solids. It certianly wasn't a planned lesson, but after the cat knocked the laundry detergent to the floor, who could ignor the lesson.

Today, we had a Biology / Anatomy lesson when the dog dragged a deer leg back into our yard that had been devoured by some coyotees. We were able to see joints, ligaments, and a close up look at the the hoof and bone marrow. Gross, but a very effective teaching tool.

I'll garuntee you that lessons like this will never be forgotten and are certianly better lessons than anything I could have planned. Maybe there is a small bit of unschooling still lurking in my soul.